Wednesday 5 December 2007

Masoud Statement

My Interest in Empirical Econometrics Support StatementWork Experience:At an early age I became interested in becoming an Econometrics Economist and at High School. I started to read Economic Journals and I also attended Conferences and Seminars on Economics, especially those at the Central Bank of IRAN and the Universities in Tehran. During my degree course, whilst studying for my MSc in Economics, I became more interested in and fascinated by the subject.I am still very motivated to learn. I continue to attend Lectures and Seminars in subjects such as Econometrics, Economics Evaluation and methods of research Economics. I am also interested in Mathematics, Game theory, Statistics and Strata Software.In addition, I started studying for an MSc in Economics at the Royal Holloway University from 2006 – 2007. Unfortunately, I was unable to complete the course as I faced some difficulties with my Level of English and as this MSc was full time, it was not suitable for me. I hope the part time nature of this MSc at Birkbeck will be more suitable. I am taking a year out from 2007-2008 till May to re-site on my exam, so as to improve my English Writing and Study Skills in General. I hope this will enable me to be well prepared for starting the MSc or MPhil in September2008.Moreover, I found the MSc course at Royal Holloway University of London to be of great value. Specifically, I found it of great value in what I learned in Econometrics and Empirical Statistics and Forecasting Economics situations.These studies enhanced my previous degree from Tehran University, which had improved my research skills.This will also be extremely valuable in my interest in developing countries. I enjoyed this research tremendously and feel sure with further experience and confidence that this will contribute to my personal and professional development. I believe I have acquired the relevant experience, possess the essential skills, knowledge and personal qualities that the MSc course at RHUL require for research in Econometrics.Throughout all my graduate studies and as an assistant teacher at the high school and at the University of Tehran, I gained extensive experience in working on the course and I became very familiar with Econometrics and Stata analysis on which I have always enjoyed spending time on.This experience has led me to develop a methodology for Statistical and Mathematical analysises; a precise and extremely organised approach to my academic work.Similarly, I have had to familiarise my self with various areas in Econometrics and I believe that I worked very hard and efficiently. Furthermore, my work and experience as a research assistant required me to be IT literate and to use my knowledge of the internet, spreadsheets and databases.My work experience more specifically, has taught me the importance of prioritising, effective correspondence and good relations and I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with members of the university staff and being helpful.Whereas my academic studies taught me to work independently and as a member of a groupe, team and to be self-motivated, my econometrics professional experience has made me an excellent team member and has allowed me to use my initiative for the best possible results in my research.Finally, I consider myself to be conscientious, reliable, friendly and, therefore, be able to reach my targets. I really hope to be given the opportunity to work as an assistant researcher and study as a same way of researcher as it is my aim to start a new career as a researcher. I would love to do so in such a vibrant academic environment.Economics is a rigorous discipline to which I find myself intensely attracted .It is inspiring how the formal and analytical nature of Economics can be used to tackle such distinctly organic and complex concepts as welfare relating to society, the enmeshing of Mathematics ( High Theory ) and ( Real world , dilemmas that the Econometrics course embraced.Furthermore, an Economics related degree would allow me to explore in depth a range of exciting, multidisciplinary topics as diverse as Econometrics and Game theory, including Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, a subject only hinted at in my MSc course at Royal Holloway University of London and which I would love to explore further in my course and research assignment practical ( applied ).Economics in the real world and development studies combined with Growth Economics. .An eagerness to venture beyond the course syllabus will, hopefully lead to selection for Econometrics at the University Research centre. I should add here that I was also selected for War and Macroeconomics Masterclasses due to my aptitude in these subjects. My Personal Qualities and SkillsFurthermore, outside of academia, through my love of literature and poetry, I brought together my fellow Iranians and any other nationalities as I was keen on the integration of cultures, I founded a Persian society at the university who were interested and created this Persian society. Other duties included meeting people from other public areas.I was also an active and administrative member of different societies, which I was interested in.At the student Union society at this university I was elected as president. Sport is equally important to me, now passively rather than actively: in the past I have taken part at club and tournament level in Wrestling ,Volleyball , and additionally at country school level in Wrestling.Currently, I am looking forward to joining a good sports club, which will help me to keep fit and healthy.Active participation in my life has been rewarding, having been a charity worker for Oxfam and President of the Persian Society, a Researcher and an Assistant Teacher at High School and University. In addition, I have also been assistant researcher for different Organisation such the Iranian Government and this experience will help me to be a good Economist. My further aim is to become a member of a top economics society and Political Society.I would like to work in the econometrics or empirical area all my life as a university team research and become politically active, and finally be an MP in the UK or in Europe. I would like to continue to develop my expertise in the field of Econometrics research through this Masters programme at Birkbeck University. I would be grateful if you would pay kind attention to these points which have really influenced me in choosing your university. Before I apply to other universities in the UK, I would really prefer to be offered a place at Birkback University. I was given advice by professor Pessaran, who is on the academic staff of the Economics faculty at Cambridge University, to choose Birkbeck University of London because this is one of the best universities for an MSc course in Economics and offers a part time course, especially for someone who has had such a long gap year.This course is suitable for adults who return to their studies ( Mature ) student to university after a gap or interruption of some years and has many good job perospects.As a result, in the Economics Department , after successful completion of my course, I believe many Universities will provide a better opportunity for getting a profession or academic job as a lecturer in the UK.Finally, I would be extremely grateful for an opportunity to progress towards my future aspirations given my background and divers experience in Iran and the Royal Holloway university of London , I have developed huge personal strengths and resources. I am hardworking , kind with people , honest , open-minded and liberal. I believe that when I become committed to something, I am determined to see it through.I have learned to communicate by developing my communications skills, have integrated well into society here in the UK and respect all human differences.

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